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University of Minnesota-led study, published in June 9, 2007 issue of the journal Lancet, has shown that children with Leukemia did just as well with umbilical cord blood transplant as with bone marrow transplant...
A male nurse with leukaemia has been brought back from the brink of death by blood from a newborn baby's umbilical cord which, in virtually all British births, is thrown away as useless. The extraordinary recovery of Stephen Knox, 31, the first time an adult in Britain has been treated this way...
Geoff and Amber Patrick were blessed with 2 beautiful girls. Life couldn't have been better. That was until their daughter Taylor was diagnosed with Leukemia and needed a stem cell transplant. Watch the Patrick's family story of how a sibling became a savior. Know the value of your baby's cord blood.
University of Minnesota researchers report that umbilical cord blood transplants may offer blood cancer patients better outcomes than bone marrow transplants, according to an analysis of outcome data performed at the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee...
The University of Minnesota team, in a study summarized recently in the New England Journal of Medicine, said two factors lead to high mortality rates after adult cord blood transplantation: poor recovery of the patient's blood cell counts because of the relatively low number of cells in cord blood compared to bone marrow or toxicity caused by chemotherapy and radiation used in conventional transplant regimens...
In September 1999, Dewayne Seelow, of Neillsville, Wis., was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia. He had an autologous blood and marrow transplant in 2000, but the cancer later spread to his lymph nodes. He was then treated with STI 571-an experimental drug used to treat leukemia. But when his platelets started dropping, he began chemotherapy and later successfully received a double-cord blood transplant at Fairview-University Medical Center in December 2001. "I feel great," Seelow said three weeks later while trading jokes with his nurses. "My goal is to go golfing again."
A boy has been born to a British couple who want to use stem cells from his umbilical cord to treat an older brother with a life threatening blood disorder.
FOX 26's Sally MacDonald reports.
Houston TV USA March 26, 2007 Double UCBT. You have heard the debate surrounding stem cell research, but a Houston man who has benefited from it says his treatment is non-controversial and can be used to help cure dozens of life-threatening diseases. FOX 26's Sally MacDonald reports.
Doctors at Duke University Medical Center and the New York Blood Center have reported the first scientific validation that placental blood from unrelated, newborn donors can be used in place of adult bone marrow for paediatric bone marrow transplants...
Leigh Mills tells the story of a man who's life was saved thanks to the blood of a baby girl. Also the video address Public donation Vs Family banking Dec 14, 2007. NBC15's Miracle of Medicine.
One Valley family knows first hand the life saving gift cord blood stem cells can give and they share their story with 3TV's Suzanne Bissett.
Scientists at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center have cleared a major technical hurdle to making umbilical-cord-blood transplants a more widely-used method for treating leukemia and other blood cancers.
After being diagnosed with leukemia at 1½ years old, Joshua Ibarrientos underwent chemotherapy on and off for six years. When he relapsed for the third time, his doctors decided to try a cord blood transplant.
Leukaemia is a cancer which causes large numbers of abnormal white blood cells to be made.
It can be cured or kept under control for many years using chemotherapy as the main treatment.
However for a small number of high-risk patients who are not cured by standard chemotherapy, a stem cell transplant may be required.
The overall survival rate of leukemia has increased greatly in recent years, largely due to improvements in treatment.
There are some types of childhood leukemia where chemotherapy and radiation don't work. These cancers are often fatal, even with aggressive treatment. Now, doctors are turning to experimental stem cell therapies to give kids a fighting chance. Adolfo Gonzalez will never forget the day his 2-year-old son was born. The excitement turned to devastation one year later when a doctor diagnosed little Adolfo with a rare form of leukemia called JMML.
Dr. Laughlin is seeking answers to some key questions about the role that umbilical cord blood (UCB) will play in leukemia treatment in the future.
A recent article published by Laughlin, et. al. on June 14, 2001, in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) further validates new options available to patients in need of stem cell transplants. The study, collaborated on by top researchers in the field of stem cell therapy, demonstrates that umbilical-cord blood (UCB) from unrelated donors is a feasible alternative source of hematopoietic stem cells for use in adults, to treat certain diseases...
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