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"I've been in the hospital, and I've been sick my whole life," said Canale, who was born with a rare blood disorder that required daily shots. "Basically, I have no white blood cells. I have no immune system at all."
At 23, she developed leukemia and was given two weeks to live. She desperately needed a bone marrow transplant, but family members weren't matches. Her doctor suggested an umbilical cord blood transplant.
"The cord was a perfect match and it was available, so it was the right solution for her," said Dr. Edward Agura, medical director of bone marrow transplantation, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas.
Cord blood contains stem cells that regenerate. Mothers of newborns can save their child's own blood or donate it. More than 30,000 transplants have been performed worldwide, however, because the blood comes from a tiny newborn, there's not much of it.
"The cord blood is rare, precious and few, and yet is more potent in its ability to grow," Agura explained.
Now, doctors at Baylor are treating patients by combining cord blood from multiple donors. They've found this increases the number of stem cells and provides faster recovery.
Canale's transfusion was from a baby whose mother donated six years earlier. The procedure completely cured her cancer and blood disorder.
"Sometimes I have to sit back and think it's not real because I'm used to taking shots every day," Canale said. "I'm used to being sick."
Now, she can enjoy time with a little girl, who's glad to have a healthy mom. "I think she's awesome and that she's really strong," said Canale's daughter, Amanda.
Experts said many more patients could be helped if babies' cord blood was not thrown away, as it is in 96 percent of the nation’s four-million annual births.
On average, it costs about $1,200 up front and $100 per year to privately store cord blood, however, mothers can donate to a public bank for free.
LFLN REF. 23/10/2014, P.137