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Technology amazes us in many ways. These days, the medical technology has exceeded the expectations of people and continuously keep on overwhelming us in different ways. Regenerative medicine is one of the latest technology in the medical field that aims at regeneration, repair, or replacing damaged organs and tissue. CEO of Induce BiologicsCameron Clokie takes a look at what makes this cutting edge field interesting.
Dr. Clokie really calls attention to stem cells, undifferentiated or poorly differentiated cells obtained from fetal or other tissues, which show great promise in treating many different diseases. Due to ethical concerns and the difficulty of obtaining fetal stem cells, scientists are trying to use patients’ cells instead.
Stem cells derived from the patient, also called autologous cells, are slightly more specialized than the very primitive stem cells in fetal tissue, but they are easier to obtain and certainly more plentiful. Several studies indicate that these cells offer great hope in treating disease. Using autologous cells eliminates the risk of rejection, graft versus host reaction or disease transmission and avoids ethical concerns.
CEO of Induce Biologics Cameron Clokie
Adults have stem cells in various organs, but these are more specialized, and until recently scientist was of the opinion that these cells were only capable of giving rise to certain types of tissue.
However, as of late 2000, medical researchers have discovered that small numbers of pluripotent stem cells can be harvested from bone marrow, cord blood, and placentas. It even seems that, under some circumstances, hematopoietic (blood-producing) stem cells can be coaxed to grow into other types of tissue.
Autologous stem cells have been used for many years in patients undergoing high-dose chemotherapy for cancer. Research shows that in certain cases cancer can be more effectively treated, and the risk of cancer recurrence dramatically reduced, by treating it with higher doses of chemotherapy.
Cameron Clokie has described in speeches with Ideacity, how these drugs cause complete bone marrow failure. Cells are harvested and stored before undergoing treatment, then reinjected into the patient’s bloodstream after chemotherapy is concluded. These hematopoietic stem cells then settle in the bone marrow and restore its function.
Umbilical cord blood contains blood stem cells that are even more primitive than the blood stem cells found in bone marrow, but not many people have their stored umbilical cords available. However, cord banks are springing up in every major city, and perhaps someday it will be routine to save the umbilical cord of every baby born.
Currently, the service is fairly expensive, with clinics advertising online with fees of approximately $2000 for the first year, and $125 for every year after that. However, as the service becomes more popular, the price will almost certainly decrease.
The following are types of you can expect to get from any Regenerative therapies:
Living cells which are a pillar of the field, are integrated into regenerative medicines to obtain a variety of positive effects including replacing the dead tissue and cells. The therapies also help in stimulating an endogenous response that promotes the body’s healing such as an immune response or regeneration in infected tissue and delivering molecular or anatomical therapies to targets. This is also something that Cameron Clokie’s company Induce Biologics is looking into.
This type of Regenerative therapy focuses on mutated or defective genes needing either correction or improved control through the insertion of adequately functioning genes into a patient’s cells.
Small molecules and Biologics can be defined as the use of chemicals and cellular elements that are known to induce endogenous or dormant cells to regain its regenerative qualities.
Tisue and cell banks are responsible for collecting, storing and distributing biological materials used in regenerative medicine including birth tissues, skin, adipose tissue, cord blood and musculoskeletal tissues, allogeneic cells, pericardium, bone vascular tissue and autologous as well as other biological samples.
Generally, such method of Regenerative therapies has proved its splendid advantages for years. As for you, it makes good sense to come up with a choice. Keep in mind that not every method can offer the ideal and remarkable solutions you desire to take place. When it comes to Regenerative therapies, we are the best because we have the latest technology in the field.
Source: Original Article